Vet Blog

New Update from Bumper!

September 07, 2017

Have you been following Bumper's progress? Bumper is our good Samaritan patient that joined us on July 18th.

Since then he has had extensive surgery and is still currently in our clinic resting and recovering. He has won over the hearts of many Zoot staff and we have really enjoyed having him here.

We thought it was important to share with all of you how much you were able to help Bumper. Through our "Go Fund Me" campaign for Bumper, the clinic was able to raise $2,524.64 for his care. Thanks to you, Bumper has been able to receive a high level of care for an extended period of time.

At the end of his time here in the clinic, should there be any monies left in the account established for Bumper, they will be transferred to our St. Francis Fund. The St. Francis Fund was established at Zoot in an effort to assist those with costs they cannot afford for their pets. It allows these pets to receive a high level of care while allowing their owners peace of mind. We are deeply appreciative to be able to help the community in this way.
