Surgery Update from Bumper

Monday afternoon update from Bumper:
Hi everyone! I am happy to be back in familiar surroundings with my temporary Zoot family! I have had a busy day! I got back to the clinic this afternoon and am looking forward to a long nap. :) There was a small amount of concern over my breathing this morning, but everyone is keeping a close eye on me and I seem to be doing okay with that now.
The doctors are pleased with my overall progress so far. I'm ahead of the curve on where they thought I would be with "weight bearing" on my bum hip. I have started "toe tapping" and putting a little weight on my leg when I'm up and about. I am doing small amounts of physical therapy and still have to ice the area a couple of times a day, but I am making progress.
The hospital will be closing the donation page after today. You guys have all far exceeded our expectations with your generosity. Again, any monies collected over the amount of my care will be donated to the Zoot St Francis Fund to help pets in situations similar to mine. I look forward to feeling better and leading a happy, healthy life. I will continue to keep you all posted on my milestones and can't wait to share pictures of me running through the play meadows!
Thanks again for everything!