Update From Bumper

A brief update from Bumper this morning....
I had my pre-op bloodwork and x-rays Thursday. I have a bit of pneumonia in a lung lobe, and am back on antibiotics, but I am still a go for my surgery scheduled for Saturday.
I will relax and rest some more today to prepare for my surgery on Saturday. I am scheduled to spend the weekend in ICU and be transported back to Zoot on Monday morning. I am hoping my weekend in ICU doesn't add too much to my projected expenses.
I am deeply touched by everyone's generosity and hopeful that I will be on the mend and feeling better soon! Look for another update before I head out to surgery on Saturday morning!
Love, Bumper
(Anything above the $2500 will be placed in the Zoot Pet Hospital St. Francis Fund, which is used for other Good Samaritan cases, like myself.)
We have currently raised $2000 of the $2500 goal! Thanks to all who have donated so far!